“The Holy Spirit spoke the truth to your ancestors when he
said through Isaiah the prophet:
26 “‘Go
to this people and say,
“You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.”27 For this people’s heart has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their ears,
and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts
and turn, and I would heal them.’[a]
“You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.”27 For this people’s heart has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their ears,
and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts
and turn, and I would heal them.’[a]
28 “Therefore
I want you to know that God’s salvation has been sent to the
Gentiles, and they will listen!” [29] [b]
you are a devoted, new, or experienced student of the Holy Bible you
would interrupt the above verse from Acts 26;28 as a warning of what
would happen in the latter days of civilization, when the time came
for the last generations of children who reside on earth to choose
which father to obey, God or god. As stated in the Holy Bible, times
would come when a darkness would infiltrate all human flesh and
spirits, for in the Garden of Eden, the first human creations,
God's children Adam and Eve, committed an unforgivable sin against
Him. Which caused a schism between Heavenlies. Wife and husband
listened to the serpent's lies (satan casted down to earth) and
disobey God's commandment, not to eat of the tree of knowledge. The
serpent manipulated Eve, challenged her to partake of the tree, and
she did and she shared the forbidden fruit with her husband Adam.
Thus committing a serious offense against the Creator. They betray
Him and choose the father of lies, Satan as their ruler. Satan won
one battle against the Creator and separated God's children from Him
by having both disobey the commandment not to eat of the tree of
this betrayal broke their holy union with their original creator, God.
The veil over their eyes and spirits was torn off and they were no
longer pure and could not partake of the glorious gifts from the
Father n the beautiful garden he created for them. Garden of Eden.
Evil had tainted them, causing separation from their true Father, and
they too were casted out of the Heavenlies to be placed on another
dimension,earthly plane, where Satan resided. . God had to punished
the couple, for not trusting and obeying his commandment not to eat
the forbidden fruit so he casted them out of the Eden paradise, and
vanquish them to the outer dimension of Earth's surface. Adam had to
toil the land and Eve was to suffer giving birth and to be more human
then spirit form, losing their supernatural gifts and abilities,
making them human and vulnerable to evil's plot of revenge against all
of the children, past, present and future generations..
time and generations passed on earth, the Father loved His children
more and more each generation until evil figured out how to
infiltrate the masses and corrupt their minds, hearts and souls. Evil
appear to be winning the battle as all of the Godly commandments were
being abandoned and mocked.
God and His angels watched from above all who resided on the earth's mantel and was angry with Satan, as he gradually one by one spiritual attacked God's children and Godly beliefs, with evil vices that were abomination to the Creator. Satan and his fallen angels resided in the lower mantel in another dimension, with their strategic plans push forward their schemes or agendas to destroy all that was beautiful, the Godly creation, God's Children with each generation created. He had the ability to do so as he was created as a glorious and powerful angel in the higher Heavens, and even on earth he had and still has his supernatural abilities and uses them to transport from the seen to the unseen dimensions of the Heavenliest, from earth to Hell and back. He use his gifts to kill, murder and destory all he could and will continue to do so until the last generations is born.
the centuries progress and the human race turned away from the true
Creator, evil relaized that if he kept striving with dominerring all
exstance, through deception more and more souls who were broken and
corrupted would be his prize, on earth and in Hell, and his revenge
almost complete against the tue God. .
understood that no supernatural veil sack cloth between Heaven and
Earth would seperate him and/or humankind and he could cross
boundaries. AS the human children turned away, God deccided to give
evil permission to test the children As he became more bolder and
arrogant he because a master manipulator and broker unkept promises,
contracts and extortion as his weapons against the children. He took
authority all the woeld leaders and created mass plans of destruction
through wars, greed and money distractions, confusing the masses what
was right or wrong,and to who they desire to obey, to and did not
give them choices who to follow, as he brain washed, hypontize all to
believe in the destoryer, and not the true God.
genertions and the spiritual seperation of which father to obey
caused diversion. They were lied to If they disobey the true Father,
they could not repent or go back to the vindicative God, not to be
banished to Hell, the masses gave up and slowly were dupped into
becoming sleeping sheep heading to their slaugther, on earth and in
the afterlife.. The divide of good and evil among the masses god,
Satan and God, Creator of Heaven and Earth was being divided in tot
the sheep and the goats, one follow the Sherpard and the other follow
the Deceiver.
children and evil's children, (demons) resided together, and some
became ensared into earthly pleasures and vices. Evil furious with
God, planned a wicked revenge, over centuries he created deceptive
practices and lies to confused the innocent ones, with false truths,
and caused many to commit transgressions and turn away from the
deceived the masses into believing if the broke one or more of the
ten commandments they were too corrupt to ask for the Father's
forgiveness as they fell and disobey God. Evil expanded his agenda
which was to corrupt all the holy children and take hostage of their
souls. His objective to slowly make them prisoners in his kingdom on
earth, and of Hell. Hold them capitive until their deaths to be
banshed to his kingdom, for enternity, Hell. Thus creating a cruel nd
angry people on earth who were corrupted and vunerable to open the
door to demons possession, through trickery. Thus they the demons
were able to overtake their lives through spiritual channels and evil
vices, drugs, evil actions, alcohol, and etc. He inflitrated their
minds, hearts and souls with darkness and had them commit pride
infractions, mentally, physically and spirit transgressions which
caused seperation from the true Father. And convinced they was no
turning back. He also deceived many to accept false deceptions and
sell ther souls to him for riches and fame, instant gratifications.
Which later he would void and punished the guilable people who
accepts his terms.
the Garden of Eden when God had to ban his children from the Garden
He understood that His children and generations afterward, would be
led astray by the evil one. He had to heal the breach of betrayal of
Adam and Eve, plan a winning strategy to bring freedom to His
children. This is where the scarfice of his only begotten son Jesus
Christ would come into existance, centuries later, to bring the
captive slaves out of Eygpt to wander the lands for 40 years to
discover the promised land of Milk and Honey. He was born to be the
catyalst and the offerng of His death, to bring freedom from evil and
to give free will to all children. With this free will they would be
free to seek the truths, and when they relaized the true truth of who
the true Father is, they would and will desire to be reunited with
Him once again in the enternal paradise
gift from the Creator, the death of His only begottten son was to
break the chains of evil bondage over all residents on earth. To
save His children souls who were being taken hostage by evil's
in his glory understood He needed to design a undeafeated plan of
winning not the battles, but the war against evil.
was not enough punishment for evil to reside in a hellish enivroment
of enternal suffering and torture, he had to stop the planned
destruction of His Children. He had to breach the diversion of evil
and good through an offering of supernatural love which no evil or
human one could defeat, a final offering to bring His children back
to Him. He understood that evil would inflitrate and ruled the earth
for many centuries and overtake the population with his evil
he thought he was winnng and most of the earth rejected the truth of
Jesus Chrst who died, was burry and rosed on the third day, the tue
Messiah a time of wickness and darkness would blanket the planet
and it masses as they were deceived by the father of lies, deception
and manipulation. He would mourn for His lost children and desired
to save them. He did not want to banish the wicked ones with the
fallen demons in Hell, a place only reserved for the demons.
was created for the wicked demons and not for his human children, He
desired all of his creations not to suffer.
He created a plan to birth a son through a Holy Spirit and human
flesh union. The Holy Spirit with God's permission visited a young
virgin, Mary and asked her to allow a child to be born through her,
Jevonah's son, and name him …. Which according to the Holy Bibke
was 2000 plus years ago. This son of Holy and earthly union grew
into a supernatural being, human and spirit man walking among the
earthly population with a mission to preach His father's gospel and
show the real father through him, by performing wonders and miracles,
of healing the lame, blind and sick, raising the dead and sharing
many miracles among the masses. Many stories are written in the Holy
Book. These children with their free will be able to choose which
master/father to obey. The original Creator, God, or the wantee to
be god Satan.
you are knowledgable or not of bibical history, the Holy book speaks
of a spiritual war between God and god. Jevonah and Satan. Jovonah,
His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, were assigned to heal the
breach of seperation between good and evil. The son, Jesus Christ
was to be born, scarficed and die on the cross. This event occur
2000 plus years ago. He was cruified and shedded his blood, as an
offering of life for the wayward children who would become ensare on
the earth by evil's intentions. As it was recorded in the Book, one
third of the angels were also casted out of the Heavenlies when
Jevonah commanded Satan to be banished from the higher Heavens, would
also corrupt many innocent souls. Satan was a rebel who desired to
be the ruler of Heaven and Earth. His pride and ego overcame his
moral compass he became jealous and envious of the original Creator
and desired to be him. He rebel, created a mutiny against the Creator
and was cast out of the Heavenlies, down to the earth. Where he was
given authority over humankind and attacked them.
residing on earth decided the perfect revenge would be to slowly
inflitrated the human masses of unsuspecting residents, and steal
their souls and enternal promise of everlasting life wth the true
father. He manipulated many through witchcraft and possess V.I.P. S
in power and authority, through governments, financial and media and
all outlets which he could utilized to reach and confuse the masses
to believe in his lies and caused confusion of what was right or
wrong, to distort the truths and corrupt the human moral compass of
righteous through witchcraft, trickery and manipulation.
the centuries, decades and years, he plotted and schemed behind the
scenes, and manipulated his angels to possess others and caused
upheaval and corruption to fltered in all forms of existance, from
government to personal beliefs. With technology, media, and relgion
he was able to trick many innocent children to comit transgressions
that would seperate the masses.
spiritual war between God and god as it is in Heaven, it will be on
Earth. Evil domineer all channels of existance and utilized them and
the powerful elite to lie and scheme to the populate and distorted
the turths, causing a diversion of everything and everyone as to what
was correct or not correct. He had the masses turn away from the
Creator, by denyng their beliefs, and dscarding God's ten
commandments and the human race would turn a way from the orginal
creator, Lord and deny his existance. Evil manipulated the masses to
accept him another as their creator, a god, who was not an loving
uncondtional father, with unlimited patience and love, until the
children taxed Him to the point of unrentlesss fury and sorrow he
would have no choice but to punish the wayward children. He was in
turmult and knew He has a impending decision to make, to let his
wayward chilren suffer the consequeences, of disobeying Him. They
choose god of Earth to serve and now would experience undescribable
horror beyond human limitations, through severe punshments and be
given into their desire to reside on a planet where evil became the
reigning force. This disobedience of rejecting the true God had the
masses in jepodary of losing connection with the Creator and face
their moment of pivot awakening, of their fooolish follies and need
for instant gratification, to lost the opportunity of enternal life
with God. The mockery of wayward children and dominance of evl taking
over earth, to caused the war in Heaven to come to Earth.
the original creator created Adam and Eve, God did not desire them
and future chldren to be robots as his followers, but rather free
will chilren, who with a sound mind and heart who would decide which
God or god to serve. He gave all children free will to chose. As in
the bible it is recorded that all children reside on earth would be
given free will to choose who to serve. It states that You can not
serve two masters at the same tme. Choas would regin and paradise or
damanation would be their destination.
Jesus Christ became a scarfice for our transgressions, we as chldren
are to obey the light, truth and the life and the Son, be obeying and
living his laws, taught thruoguh the Holy Book and in an imtate
relationshp with Jesus Christ. But, we have turned away from the
truths and decided to follow the deceiver. Now we are to be granted
oure desires, To reject the true Jesus Vhrist and live the life of
the evil ones. As the commandments and God are mock through
abdmoniations of transgressions, aborton, adultury, hurting another
and loving thy selvesand money we are to suffer the consequences of
our choices. We will be punished and the time is coming very soon,
humankind will never see and experienced what is to come, the utter
destruction and choas which will overcome all who exist on earth.
need to choose the between enmeshed his blood for our salvation, we
were given a gift beyond comprehension of any earthly existence. He choice of which father will be their final determination of
everlasting peace or suffering in the pits of Hell. God or god,as
born to become the scaficial lamb to stop evil, Satan and his cruel
minions from having total domination over the unfortunate angels and
humans who were the causality of the spiritual war between two
Christ through His Father, born in flesh, was a god and a human
being. He was created and given to the lost children to be their
savior, teacher and scarification lamb. His final demise to be crucified
on the cross was the ultimate One Almighty God, Jevonah created the
Earth, moon, sun and stars. Gave breathe to man and woman and created
a Eden for these children to exist upon. The other God, some call
Satan and other names, is a god of destruction and hatred. A god of
pride, ego and unrighteousness, who became a jealous god and desired
to be more powerful then the original God.
Hmmm, as you read the creatures on earth and their earthly habitat. Satan was furious that he was caste out of Heavenliest and punished verse above, you can comprehend that Paul, Jesus's
Christ apostle was preaching scriptures to the unbelievers about the
future of God's children, who disobey the Almighty. This above verse
explains that there would a diversion among the children Abel and
Cain, the righteousness and the unrighteousness ones. The diversion
of which God or god to obey would caused confusion among the
children, especially in times of darkness.
as the father of Earth was a bitter and cruel master and hatred the
humans and angels who loved the Father, the original creator of Earth
and Heaven, all seen and unseen, and vow to destroy Gods' to resided in the belly of
earth along with the one third of angels who followed him, who also
rebelled against the Creator's children and choose to be caste down with him to
Forward summary of the human creation, spiritual battle occuring between God and god. As in previous MTMC books, the characters Eileen, Michael, Fernando, and others will be involve.
story of present times, as some believe this is the last to last
generations of residents on earth who will suffer the Great Tribulation of seven years and it is to be shortened to three and half years to save some of earth. The spiritual war between the two gods is
coming to earth. Jesus Christ is to come back and defeat evil for
once and all. But before this event, the masses would have to suffer consequences of their mockery and rejection of the truth, the way
and the Life. Jesus Christ, who sacrifices his life on a cross, crucified and died and rose on the third day. He gave up his life,
shed his blood so the residents of earth had a choice to be reunited
with their true Heavenly family and live everlasting life in paradise
or to suffer horrific consequences of uniting with the dark one for
instant gratification and to suffer eternal damnation in the pits of
Hell, where no human child should go, this pit reserved for the
demons. Yet, the wicked ones who turn away from God, let in the
demons in and choose evil to be their master. God has no choice but to
condemn these rebels to the punishment of Hell and stop the evil plans for
these unfortunate souls.
As evl plotted the
masses were all misled like lost sheep to their slaughter, evil plan
an ingenious agenda to led them astray, He had the masses deny, reject
and abandoned the true creator, His son and Holy Spirit by disobedience. Step by step he created and planned to infiltrate all levels of humanity from government to wrecking families. Using wickenness and weapons such as witchcraft, and other supernatural abilities to wrongly corrupt and confused many souls.
Godloved his creations so much He try to warn them through word of the
Holy Book, miracles and other supernaturals outlets, preachers,
watchman/women on the wall, yet more then half of the population
mocked and rejected the true Father. Evil was winning through
vicious actions, destroyer, murderer and thief, master manipulator he
had most of the lost sheep under his authority and they were
oblivious to the true Father's unconditional love.
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