Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Heed the Message, second blog (spiritual awakening and spiritual calling)

Helping another is what life is about,
are you ready to join hearts, souls and hands
reach across the divide and
donate to a worthy charity and ministry.
Helping the homeless, is accepting the Good Lord's laws.
                                                                                Matthew 25:35
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,

Blog 2, Heed the Message, April 16, 2014

What does a person who has not been raised with proper etiquette social skills and known boundaries do when they hurt another? Obviously I need to explore this query?  In dysfunctional families, this seems to be a normal occurrence with relationships. It seems every time a relationship is established between one and another person, be it family, loved one or friend, it lasts a brief moment in time and then it falls apart. 

When one tries to understand and questioned the other party to explain or express their feelings or hurt pride, they become defensive and used defense mechanism skills to protect themselves. One has to ponder if it is immature or a tactic to closed the door on the broken relationship.

The signs of damage is the person stops calling, texting and makes excuses why they can not visit anymore. Sometimes they  just disappear as a storm passing through, silent with no explanations or goodbyes. 

You do everything you can considering the circumstances, to repair the broken bond but that party is not able to let go of the wound, and moves  on, leaving no closure. This method is very painful, the silence is heart breaking and the void hurts. One day you are laughing, the next crying wondering what went wrong.

I write this short note to let you know that do not blame yourself for the other person's decision to vacate your life. There is a season for everything, they came as the wind, left a loud or quiet storm, left behind a vital lesson, now it is your job to discover what it was. 

I have accepted the truth of he abuse we experienced in our childhood carries into adulthood, and we have to forgive the trespassers who trudged upon our boundaries and violated us, be it physical, emotionally or psychological, otherwise one will be trapped in the past, losing the spark of the present  moment. Become a prisoner of our past actions or of a bully, as who have forgotten the wound they have caused and vice averse you have done upon them and moved on.

I have accepted one has to stop thinking negative thoughts, stop blaming self and others for trespasses against you and me, and the ones you trespassed against, apologized and move on. Life teaches us as experiences, good or bad, they will make you or break you. If they break you, remember you can bounced back, better and stronger then before. As all experiences are learning lessons to advanced in one's spiritual awareness. I as I hope others read this enlightening blog realized that life is precious and God loves us all and you are never alone.

He wants us to live enriching lives while we resided here for a brief visit. My past has many dark secrets and lately every day it seems as if He or the angels are showing me signs of one door closes, another one opens. We are given freewill to groan or jump for joy. Today I raised my hands in praise and asked the Almighty to awakened your dominant hearts to seek him and desire to help others. 

This blog this week is dedicated to a worthy warrior, Annie of heed the message. My mission is to alert good hearted people that this ministry head by her is in need of assistance, will post two links for you to discover a true apostle on a mission for the good Lord and his son.  Will you click and donate to a worthy cause especially in this Holy season. Thank you and blessings my children.

These two links are Annie's ministry and the I started it to assist her with her mission, be it donations, services, suggestions or leads to employment. May the divine spark come into your heart. thank you.

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