Friday, December 9, 2011


As a volunteer reviewer for Great Minds Think Aloud Book Club (GMTA) I was honor to review this story. I was first attracted to the title on Facebook on like fest Saturday and read the introduction which pique my curiosity so I put it on my to be read list and an opportunity came to review it.

As I began the story I was uncomfortable with the beginning but as I continuing reading and when it came to the modern day characters and their adventures I was hooked and stay up extra late to finish the conclusion, waiting in anticipation to see what would happen to the three main characters; Andy Taggart and his girlfriend, and the former college friend and rival, who he was competitive with in the former days, John Chalk. Andy was jealous of his easy grasp of physics and concepts of energy.

John was a genius in the old college days and Andy envy him. So when John email Andy 10 years later for assistance on a top secret project, Andy was shock but loyal and decided to help John with the discovery which has no inevitable proof yet the two scientists were skeptical and did not accept the label of divinity for the energy force they were discovering. As with any new discovery the wolves came out of the wood work to claim it for their own selfish benefits. This where the adventures begin and continues through the story.As the Smashwords description states; Since the beginnings of history people have believed in magic, but California science writer Andy Taggart is not one of them. Until the day that John Chalk, his old friend from grad school, makes a ballpoint pen rise to stand on end – untouched. From that moment Andy is caught up in John’s mystery. Why can John do things that other people can’t? And why does he think someone is watching him?"

This author is a scientist by training and vocation who received a BA in Physics from Cornell University, followed by a PH.D. in Astronomy from the University of Massachusetts. He also won as a Finalist, Science Fiction/Fantasy, and 2011 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. This back ground assisted him to make this a stimulating story about energy, whether it is faith, or molecules he was able to explore all concepts from spirituality to the laws of Newton and in-between and write a phenomenal science -fiction with some truth based reality and the possibilities of a future of the potential of the human mind and how the bad guys of power will manipulative the receivers for their own madness and personal agenda. It is a highly suspenseful, thought provoking tale of concepts of beliefs that all human kind has about the magic of the universe and a highly recommended book to read for stimulating those sleeping brain cells and think of the impossible becoming the possible.
The book is available at and

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